Act up! ~written by James Titilope
About The Book
Act up! Is a brief documentation of my experiences of over a score years on earth. It is the story of my becoming process which I considered worth sharing upon the realization that tough journey still lays ahead, I am definitely not where I used to be truly.
It highlights the challenges I faced as a teen and the decisions I realised I had taken consciously or unconsciously which eventually turned out right for me. Hence, a call to an even more intentional living.
I have discovered that too many people struggle with disappointments,depression and lack of affection from the home robbing them of positivism to move upward. This book aims to reach such people and give them from my experience, a reason to Act up!.
There’s a future to claim and there are challenges on the way. If for any reason we will make it, we must have to squeeze every pain to obtain its accompanying gain.-James Titilope (2018)
Cheers to your acting up!
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# ActUp!
# October1