Olabayo J. Awodirepo
Day 6/365
Brain-Dumping: The Therapy You Didn’t Know You Needed
Yesterday, in my Day 5 entry, I briefly mentioned how a simple brain dump can clear enough mental space to ignite inspiration. I didn’t realize how much I needed it until later that evening, during a meeting with colleagues, and we had a moment of reflection on how 2024 had treated us. I started sharing some of the random, cluttered thoughts that had been bouncing around in my head. By the time I was done, I felt lighter, like I’d just offloaded my brain’s entire inventory into the group chat of life. That’s when it hit me that brain-dumping works wonders.
Brain-dumping is exactly what it sounds like: taking everything bothering your mind and dumping it onto paper (or a screen) or sharing it with a listening ear. And if there’s no one around to listen, why not talk to God in prayer? After all, who better to vent to than someone who promises to carry your burdens? No filters, no judgments, just an unfiltered outpouring of thoughts, worries, ideas, and random thoughts.
Brain-dump can help you hit the reset button on your mind and clear out the junk. Have you ever noticed how, after venting about something, you suddenly feel lighter and able to think more clearly? Brain-dumping has the same effect. Your mind exhales the worries and inhales new inspiration.

Dear friend, if you’re feeling stuck, grab a notebook, open a blank document, or just start talking to a friend who doesn’t mind playing therapist for a bit (what a friend we have in Jesus!). Let it all out. Your muse is probably waiting on the other side of that chaos, holding a sign that says, “Finally!”