Day 11/365
Olabayo J. Awodirepo
Don’t Let Adulthood Steal Your Laughter
I came across a post recently that resonated well with me:
“Don’t let adulthood turn you into a sad person. Sometimes, play like a child, laugh, dance, catch cruise, and enjoy what you are doing.”
Truly, adulthood can be a thief of joy if we let it. The weight of responsibilities, deadlines, and societal expectations often leaves little room for the carefree happiness we once knew as children.
I could remember a day when I felt like I was on the verge of a mental breakdown because my mind was brooding over many things. In the middle of my mind’s trip, my daughter came to me, dragging my hands with the purest determination. “Daddy, I wanna play,” she said, her eyes were filled with innocence.
At first, I wanted to tell her I was too busy or too tired. But something stopped me. I saw her joy, how she was so unburdened and so free. Then, I realized how much I needed that moment more than she did. So, I let her pull me out of my thoughts and into her world. We played, we laughed, and for those precious minutes, my worries faded. Her laughter became my therapy.
As kids, joy came naturally. We didn’t need a reason to laugh or an occasion to celebrate. A random game, a silly joke, or even running around aimlessly could light up our day.

As the post that inspired this piece states, don’t let adulthood turn you into a sad person. Challenges will always come, and you will always have responsibilities to shoulder. But amidst them all, find your joyful moments and dwell there more often.