Day 18/365
Olabayo J. Awodirepo
Have you ever felt like your head is full of ideas that haven’t gained expression because you haven’t found the “best time” for them? You are not alone. I can’t even count how many times I’ve picked up the idea of starting a podcast, only to drop it again and again. I’d always tell myself, “You’re not ready for this yet.”
To be fair, this could be true because I genuinely have a lot on my plate at the moment. But deep down, another part of me wonders if I’m just being a perfectionist. (Although I’d probably deny it if anyone asked!) We listen; we don’t judge. Yeah? lol
Nevertheless, I’ve come to realize that spending too much time dwelling on how to do something can often lead to not doing it at all. I guess this is one of the traits of a perfectionist. We wait for the best time, the ideal platform, the perfect equipment, the most flawless background, and so on. But in the end, we cage our ideas and never give them the chance to soar.

Olabayo, what is still holding you back? Is it perfectionism? Fear of failure? Too much on your plate? Or perhaps something else entirely? Hmmmmn!