Day 15/365
Olabayo J. Awodirepo
Validation Isn’t the Goal
As creatives, it’s easy to fall into the trap of seeking validation from our audience. Instead of focusing on creating, you might turn yourself into a statistician and start counting likes, comments, and shares. You refresh the page repeatedly, hoping for a magical increase in engagement. When the numbers don’t meet your expectations, it’s natural to feel discouraged or start questioning your efforts.

I’ve been there too. Back in 2018, during my first 365-day writing challenge, I used to share my daily pieces with a particular group. Day after day, I would post, and day after day, the response was almost silent. Hardly anyone commented, and at times I wondered if my writing was even being read. But I kept going because I believed in what I was doing.
One day, a man approached me at my workplace. He was a member of that group, and he asked if I was the “Witty_Pen” who had been posting the daily write-ups. I said yes. To my surprise, he shared how much my pieces had been a blessing to him. He expressed gratitude for the impact my words had on his life.
When he left, I smiled, and all I could whisper to myself was, “People consume your content without saying thank you. And that’s okay.” This was the moment that taught me that not every impact will come with applause.

Dear friend, don’t drain your creativity tank while waiting for accolades or validation. Create because it fulfills you. Share because someone out there might need what you’ve made, even if they never tell you. Sometimes, the quiet impact of your work is its own reward.