Olabayo J. Awodirepo
Day 7/365
When Small Tasks Become Big Problems
While thinking of what to write today, my mind quickly took a trip to what the previous days have been like, and I had to take a quick glance at how I’ve been so focused on tackling a “big task” while ignoring all the “small tasks.” And guess what? Those smaller tasks have now piled up to become a giant mountain that I have to surmount within a short period of time. Meanwhile, the “big task” I was laser-focused on? Yep, still unfinished.

I think there’s something seductive about big tasks. They promise tangible progress and the satisfaction of crossing something significant off the list, but they often take time and energy and end up leaving little room for the smaller ones. The result? A backlog of small but essential duties that eventually demand attention all at once. See my productivity laughing at me in an unknown tongue (lol).
Just yesterday, I had the plan of finishing editing a video with subtitles and translation as my big task so I can return to the other smaller ones, like replying to my emails and WhatsApp messages, among other little tasks. Genius, right? Sighs! The big task? Didn’t finish it. The smaller ones? Couldn’t even touch them.

Why do we do this? Why do we often ignore smaller tasks in favor of tackling the big ones? Is it the allure of a big win? The illusion of progress? Priority? I genuinely need an answer.
Do you have any strategies for balancing things better? Kindly share them with me.