Let’s have a talk 011
From potentiality to actuality
By Ekam Steven
“Steeve” she said with a seemingly serious intonation “turn on your light, someone might need it to see. When you do what you should, someone gets what he/she needs. And when you become who you are meant to be, people become who they should be. You might be the spark to their life. Just what they need to turn their potentiality to actuality”.
As the light went off and the room became dark, every activity came to a halt. Few minutes later a lady switched on a flashlight and a man beckoned at her “please! can you deem your light towards this direction” indicating a locker beside him. As the light beamed at the locker the elderly man drew open a ‘drawer’ and brought out his torch; and within time, the light from five (5) torches illuminated the room. The lights, though not the brightest they could have wished for, was yet bright enough to get them working rather than sitting idle in the dark.
An hour later, as they crossed part while still on duties, old Ben (the aforementioned elderly man) asked the young lady why it took her so long to turn on her flashlight since she was already in possession of it. She grilled at him saying “it was only a torch” and added after a meditative pause “in this large dark room”. Benson Ejike smiled, and as he walked away he responded “…in this large room, that torch has birthed four (4) more flashlights with which we can now see and work rather than sit idle…”. Oge didn’t hear his last words because he walked as he spoke, but the message was clear to her. A message she would later repeat as an advice to me. She said:
“Steeve, turn on your light, someone might need it to see…you might be the spark to their life. just what they need to turn their potentiality to actuality”.
“From Potentiality to Actuality” I retorted within me as I switched my attention to the book I held.
You see!!!
Many of us are like Ogechukwu Philip. We have the potential; the torch, but we often hesitate to switch it on; to turn potential into actual. Like I learnt, so will I advice, that:
“when we do what what we should, someone gets what he/she needs. And when we become who we ought to be, some others become who they should be. You might be the light needed for someone to get it right. Don’t hesitate, illuminate”.