Let’s have a talk. 007
Work your way
Written by James Titilope
Laziness is a robber of the best we could be. Beginning from the best our bodies could be and perform because I have come to realise that the body thrives on engagement – work. If you get to see people who look way younger than their age and as agile as a youth could be, there can only be one cause – work. On the other hand as well, there are others who look and walk older than their age because of lack of activity.
Hard work actually doesn’t kill, only inactivity does faster than any disease. It robs us of health, wealth and flow of ideas – making for an empty life. Doubt this?, check the death rate of retirees. However, Activity, on the other hand (productive labour) pays the price of wealth, health and greater productivity through the flow of ideas.
This is why, if you are engaged in a thing or two, you ought to be grateful for the opportunity and put in the best you can. It may not be where you want to be, but it is sure providing an opportunity for you to get to where you want to be, increasing your chances which inactivity can never do. If you choose to be passive on the training ground, then you might have difficulties participating maximally when the real deal comes.
Also, if you have been inactive because of your version of engagement or activity to be just a job, shake that off and get your hands and minds to do something you foresee would aid your job suitability or your future relevance. You should know that a job is not the only form of engagement there is : learning a skill, building your talent, impacting your environment, submitting to mentorship, learning about your dream field of endeavour through reading materials of highfliers there in, are but a few other engagement there is. Don’t just go about learning how to write a CV without building for yourself the proper contents of the CV through self development and engagement.
In your century terms, feel free as always to go through your social media handles but as you ‘wow’ at the achievements you see your media personality share, have a deeper look to the steps they took or are taking that you could engage in ASAP. See ehn, Ideas could come from anywhere, so long your eyes are all out for them. You want a better society, a better nation and a better life? Then, get actively involved. Add good values to your life everyday and you will be glad you did.
Today, I am grateful for the privilege of engagement. I hope you are too, or will be soonest.